Personal info for ghostgum

This person is currently certified at Master level.

Name: Russell Lang


Notes: Developer of GSview for Windows, OS/2 and Unix. Ported Ghostscript to Windows and OS/2. Developer of RedMon.

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Recent diary entries for ghostgum:

24 Apr 2005  »

To jgsnodgrass
You might want to use the ljet4 device which generates PCL5, rather than pxlmono which generates PCL XL (or PCL 6). Secondly, there is always confusion about what is meant by "landscape". Does this mean a portrait page with an image rotated 90 degrees (which way?), or a physical page which is wider than it is high? The former is easier to deal with but I suspect you have the latter. If so, then try
  gs ... yourfile.pdf
This locks the page size to A4, and causes an attempt to set page size [842 595] to be mapped to [595 842] with a 90 degree rotation.

On another topic, I've had several reports about GSview "hanging" on startup. This appears to be the result of GSview displaying its windows off the desktop, as a result of Windows returning incorrect information about the display configuration. If you have this problem, please contact me. I need to test a patched version on a number of systems.

6 Aug 2003  »

Just released GSview 4.41 beta. This fixes two stupid bugs with the X11 version.

First I assumed that everyone would have the LANG environment variable set (wrong). It worked on my system but crashed on start-up on others.

Secondly my code for progressively updating the display during rendering on X11 queued up a whole series of screen updates when displaying on a slow X11 server. The code then sent these updates one at a time to the remote X11 server. This is very slow on a remote X11 server (tens of seconds), but hardly noticeable on my local display used for development. Having an old X server on a 10M Ethernet is recommended for testing. What now happens is that when it finds a screen update in the queue, it looks at what else is in the queue and merges them as appropriate, minimising the number of updates sent to the X11 server. This is obvious in hindsight (I already knew that Windows does this with WM_PAINT), but when you are doing this on a new platform for the first time you can't see the wood for the trees.

9 Dec 2002  »

sradman, a PPD for ghostscript would be great. Also useful would be INF files for installing in Windows 98/2000, so that the existing PostScript driver can be used instead of the Adobe driver which has a more restrictive licence. Please send me an email - I'd like to discuss some PPD issues (my address is in the RedMon docs).

20 Oct 2002  »

Skykiss, please update to GSview 4.3. Some security fixes were added to ghostscript 7.04 and this required a change to GSview.

2 Oct 2002  »

Kolik, current released sources are available from the Ghostscript, Ghostview and GSview site, or from the SourceForge ghostscript project page under Files. The development sources are available from CVS.

Filmo, you can rasterize only part of a page by setting the page size and page offset appropriately. If it is EPS, then you typically do this with -c "<< /PageSize [400 400] >> setpagedevice -100 -100 translate" -f or by using -gWIDTHxHEIGHT or -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=xxx. See doc/Use.htm for command line options.

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