Personal info for rodw

This person is currently certified at Apprentice level.

Name: Rod Webster


Notes: Developing a Windows Distiller like front end for Ghostscript

Recent diary entries for rodw:

30 Jun 2001  »

The URL for Snap to PDF has been changed to

I have posted two versions of the program. One includes the AFPL Ghostscript 7.00 resources, the other slim version is for existing GS users. Source is also available.

I have included some technical information on how to configure Snap2PDF for advanced users.

29 Jun 2001 (updated 29 Jun 2001)  »

Snap 2 PDF is taking shape. An updated version now on web site and I will post source and a 'slim' version for existing GS users in the next day or so.

I'd like to thank Russell Lang for some ideas and sample source. Thanks to Russell, Snap2PDF no longer alters the AFPL Ghostscript registry entries.

Snap2PDF now supports drag and drop file processing (multiple files supported) and I have added a drop down to select the PDF settings (/screen, /print /prepress as well as our own settings). In addition, any file in the Snap2PDF installation directory with an '.OPT' extension will appear in the Settings list. The '.OPT' file is sent ahead of the job to <setdistillerparams> and add any special ps code.

I previously did not realise that Adobe Distiller '.joboptions' files were text files and they would serve as a starting point for customised job settings. The Distiller joboptions file we distribute to our customers is on our web site and would serve as a (complex) example of what to include in this. Have not tried it with Snap2PDF

rjvbertin has said that one problem he has is combining multiple .ps files into one PDF file. I'd like some feedback from others on this (Yes/No?). Not sure I want to add such a feature to Snap2PDF as I see it as a .ps ediitng (rather than creation) issue. It seems that it would be relatively simple to implement by treating all .ps files as one stream until the user says close off the PDF file. I need to think about the interface carefully so it is simple, does not confuse the user and does not interfere with current operation.

I need to spend some time tidying up my source code to make it easier to maintain. My first attempt at a Windows program and I have been struggling to get the interface and GS to co- operate. Please don't laugh too loudly...

I'd appreciate any feedback (good or bad)

21 Jun 2001 (updated 30 Jun 2001)  »

I'm working on a Distiller front end using AFPL 7.0 DLL and Borland CBuilder 5.0. I need a couple of more days to tidy up the source code to write out the log file properly and I will post source as well (email me if you can't wait!). An executable installation is available at my home page. Note the following:
Registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\AFPL Ghostscript\LIB is updated to point to my LIB folder by the install program.
distilparam.ini found in the installation folder contains Distiller Parameters.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Snap Printing\Snap to PDF\Parameters contains the Ghostscript parameters. This allows you to change the device to something other than pdfwrite

Still to come:
Drag and drop file processing (having trouble with this)

After That:
Then I will be giving Ghostscript a work out to see if it handles our mid to high end output devices. I am hoping that our clients can use it to produce files for us to output. I have noticed a few issues with Ghostscript incorrectly setting fills and strokes on some objects. More about that in another post (any help appreciated).

I am very new to Windows programming, a bit rusty on C and know a bit about postscript. I'd be interested to know if this was worthy of being a project like RedMon etc.

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