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Testing the Installation

Structure of the test data

The $CCSL/testdata directory contains a collection of data files which may be used to test the installation. The files are arranged in sub-directories with the name of the programs to which the data refer. For each set of test data, identified by say xxx, in a directory (eg $CCSL/testdata/pname) there is normally a crystal data file xxx.cry and perhaps an input data file xxx.ext (where ext is the default extension expected by the program). There will always be a listing file "pname_xxx.lis". There may be other input and output files named "xxx.yyy" or "somename_xxx.yyy" and identifable from either "somename" or the extension "yyy". For example the sflsq (structure factor least squares directory contains the files for structure factor refinement of LiCoPO4 lcp.cry the crystal data file lcp.sfe the observations file containing the extinction constants sflsq_lcp.lis the output listing a crystal data file containing the refined parameters

Running the tests

For each set of data there is a file r_xxx (or simply r if there is only one test data set for the program) The program can be tested by running the program so that it takes its input from the r_xxx file eg with the command:
pname r_xxx
There is an executable perl script "CCSLtests" in the perl directory which will run all the tests specified in the file test_list and report on the results. The ``r_xxx" files for graphics programs may need to be modified to reflect local options.
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P.J. Brown - Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, FRANCE. e-mail: