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Building the system

The format of the master file

The master file is divided into sections separated by lines beginning with a ``flag word". The first section documents all changes made to the mk4 code. It is flagged UPDT. It is followed by the disclaimer and copyright notice flagged !!!!! and a section flagged ++++ which defines how routines should be documented using special comment lines. These lines allow the appendices to the manual to be generated automatically. The third section flagged PARS lists the names of all the symbolic parameters and their default values. If different values are required they can be defined in the file $CCSL_OPT/parlist. The end of the section is flagged STOP. The fourth section contains the definitions of all the shared COMMON BLOCKS with symbolic parameters substituted for some of the array dimensions. Its start is flagged COMM and its end DONE.

The remaining sections contain the different parts of the library they are PIG PR JBF PF MAI LIB NEW PJB PMA. The start of each is flagged ##XXX where XXX is the part name and its end by ##ENDXXX.

The parts in the master file

The different parts contain:
LIBThe main MK4 library
MAIGenerally useful main programs
PIGDrivers for different graphics devices
PRGeneral profile refinement subroutines
PFTOF profile refinement subroutines
PMAProfile refinement main programs
JBFSpecial main programs
PJBSpecial main programs
NEWExperimental code - not used

(Only the parts LIB, MAI and PIG are used in what follows)

Flags for system dependent code

Within the parts sections of the master file the common blocks used by each module are simply indicated by their names viz: /NAME/ and occurrences of symbolic parameters in the code by %PAR% where PAR is the parameter name.

Lines of code which are system dependent are flagged CXXX or C-XXX where XXX is one of the options. Options currently defined in mutually exclusive sets are:
VMS/UNIXoperating system
LAX/PICKYstrictness of F77 standard
ILL/RALsite options

The line is included if XXX is selected and it is flagged CXXX, and excluded if flagged C-XXX.

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P.J. Brown - Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, FRANCE. e-mail: