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Installing the CCSL files in the distribution

The Install script must be edited so that its first line indicates where Perl is installed on your system. eg ``#! /usr/bin/perl" may need to be changed to say ``#! /usr/sbin/perl"

Executing the command: ./Install [part] [path]
where part is either source or all depending on which part was downloaded, will then install these files in a directory structure rooted at the directory path, or at the current working directory if path is not given. The CCSL root directory $CCSL which is now path) has subdirectories exe, graf, options, perl, lib and source.

./exe should be empty.
It will finally contain the executable programs

./graf should be empty It will finally hold the graphics modules.

./options contains files used to specify local options:
ccsl_choices         graphics_choices         parlist    
f77_choices         list_of_progs      

They are provided as examples only and should be edited to suit local conditions.

./perl contains all the perl scripts viz:
ccsl         extract         makobj    
fpr         get         mkindex    

All these scripts will have been edited by Install so that their initial line indicates where perl is located.

./lib should be empty. It will eventually contain the linkable library of object modules.

./source contains just the master file:
It will eventually hold the FORTRAN source code for the library and the main programs.

The Install script also creates a file ``environment" in the base directory which defines environment variables pointing to the various directories created. ``source"ing this file should set these variables. They must be set before using the make files and perl scripts described in the following sections. The environment variables defined are:
CCSLto point to the CCSL root directory
CCSL_SRCas $CCSL/source
CCSL_OPTas $CCSL/options
CCSLIBas $CCSL/lib/libmk4.a (the linkable library)

The script will try to add or replace the following lines in your $HOME/.login file
# Define variables and aliases for CCSL
setenv CCSL path
if (-e $CCSL/environment) then
source $CCSL/environment
#CCSL aliases
if (-e $CCSL/aliases) then
source $CCSL/aliases
# End of CCSL setup

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P.J. Brown - Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, FRANCE. e-mail: