
Now, I am interested in solid state materials elaboration and characterization, namely magnetoresisitve compounds.

I worked several years in fullerene chemistry, mainly in all-carbon derivatives synthesis and properties study (my boss was Koichi Kitazawa, a Professor with University of Tokyo and a Research Director of Japan Science and Technology Corporation). To learn more about my research please go to the fullerene page.

Previously, I have studied intercalation chemistry in Bi-based cuprates (with Prof. A. Revcolevschi in Orsay) and before that, solid-state physical-chemistry and inorganic chemistry. In inorganic chemistry I am still interested in coordination compounds with thermochromic properties; a reminiscence of a M.Sc. in inorganic chemistry, done in 1991 with Prof. M. Andruh of University of Bucharest, Department of Inorganic Chemistry.

I used quite a lot thermal analysis methods (mostly non-isothermal, I worked several years with  Prof. E. Segal of University of Bucharest ), X-ray diffraction techniques and low-temperature transport properties. Lately, I've changed my work area to physical-organic chemistry: organic synthesis, purification  and spectroscopy, NMR, IR, UV-VIS, TOF-MS, AFM, TG-MS, chromatography,..etc.

I enjoy writting software, some of them are on the page software.  A relatively recent publication list (hopefully containing some PDF files to download) and a CV are on the relevant pages.