Personal info for teaurima

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Name: alfred vahau


Notes: A seismologist by profession, I've being very interested in the application of postscript for visual presentation in my lectures. Since 1992 I have been using postscript on unix systems, main the SUN and recently Linux, but I have always had the dream of using postscript on the Windows. At last with Ghostscript and GSView I have the best imaging package I reckon in my institution. My next task is to convert my Canon LBP Mark III Plus , a non-postscript printer to print postscript files. I think this can be donw from the initial readings but I'll keep trying until I get it. The printer accepts Windows files so it should be possible to convert it to emulate a PostScript printer. Perhaps the RedMon package from ghostgum might just do the trick. As I use Latex extensively in wordprocessing, I look forward to using Ghostscript to display my dvi files but I'll have to convert them first to PostScript files. Please keep me posted on other developments. I hope to keep you informed on the applications that I hope to develop with regard to teaching. Alfred Vahau Dept. of Physics PO Box 320 University of Papua New Guinea PO Box 320 University PO NCD 134 PAPUA NEW GUINEA email: Fax.: 675-3260369 Ph. 675-3267218 Lecturer in Geophysics School of Natural and Physical Sciences Private email address:

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