PROP - Online Help

1. Creating a new project
2. Configuring the program list
3. Accessing the work directory
4. Preferences
5. Editing a project
6. Loading a project
7. File Browser
8. Advanced Tools
9. Tips and advice
10. FAQ
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Prop - Program Opener "A bridge from Unix/Linux to Windows"

James Burnley & Ron Ghosh - Institut Laue Langevin, 2004-2014

Prop is a utility for providing the environment for programs ported from Unix/Linux to work comfortably in a Windows environment. Prop provides easily tailorable environment variables which were provided by the non-PC login procedures, and also simplifies directing output to standard WINDOWS printers. Prop enables you to group together specific sets of commonly used programs in a single window ready for launching. Prop also offers quick access to view data and output files.

Although originally intended for treating data from ILL experiments the program is quite general and other suites can easily make use of mechanisms for managing environment variables.


Version Details:

The script of prop.tcl has been modified to improve resilience of the program and a new installer mechanism has been introduced. The latter uses the Microsoft msiexec standard installer. The new version is installed in "Program Files" as other programs. It is removed using the standard add/remove software control in "START/Settings". This version is still compatible with existing stored job profiles.

To check for updates and download the most recent version of Prop please consult the following URL:

Directory Structure:

The environment Prop creates is dependent on directories you specify; these comprise of:

Work Directory:
This is where the program will write out its results and where prop stores the current project file,

Raw data directory:
Since data are often permanently archived this directory corresponds either to the archive or a local copy (which could be subsequently deleted safely after use).

Program Directory:
This is where your full set of programs can be found, they should be stored in a single directory with no sub folders. It is also here where the files and sit if you wish to use prop's advanced features.

Unix filenames do not usually include spaces. While Prop will master a wide range of pathnames, to avoid problems with ex-Unix programs it is recommended that you avoid using spaces in your directory names, and do not use excessively long filenames. Prop uses forward slash directory path separators internally, and usually converts backslashes automatically. Using the directory browser for the Work, Raw data, and Program directories ensures that Prop will use the correct form for these root path names.