A Home-made Crystallographic Fortran Kit Over many years we have set up a number of simple Fortran programs which can prove useful in day-to-day crystal structure work. They are in two groups, those which need very little keyed-in data and those which need to be able to read a file of atomic coordinates (i.e. one's own or part of some system such as Shelx, Crystal..). In the former we have MINITRAB Key in cell dimensions (kept on file while needed) and fractional coordinates of atoms A and B. Gives length A - B. If C is included, gives A - C, B - C and angle A - B - C. DSPACING Key in cell dimensions. Gives d(hkl) for any hkl. LAYER Originally to get cell dimension from layerline spacing on cylindrical films. Needs only wavelength, film radius and layer line spacing. Can be useful for CCD images if clear layer lines at centre. ORTH Needs cell dimensions and fractional coords of atoms. Gives orthogonal coordinates. RECIP From real cell dimensions gives reciprocal (1/d) cell dimensions. REAL Reverse of RECIP. CIRCLE Give the pixel coordinates of any four points on a CCD powder ring. Program gives pixel coords of direct beam. REFORM Read a hkl data file (e.g. Shelx) and convert as required. SP3 Find missing methylene hydrogen atoms. Programs needing cell parameters and list of coordinates. INTRAB Intramolecular distances and angles. BMFIT Compare the coordinates of two sets of atoms from the same or different cells. Find the best molecular fit. Simple math routines. MATRINV Find the inverse of a 3 x 3 matrix. ROTATE Rotate any points about any angles to get new coordinates.