dd My Curriculum dd
dd Freelance author in the field of hazardous substances

I do some writing for the ecomed publishing company in the hazardous chemicals field. Restrictions by law concerning the hygienics in the workspace are implemented in an increasing manner, so there is a certain interest to have some kind of short reference to existing methods of analysis. Brief descriptions of analytical methods are updated regularly (usually 3-4 times a year) in

Kurt Leichnitz, Gefahrstoffanalytik
ecomed Verlag, Landsberg/Lech, Germany
ISBN 3-609-73270-9

Sorry - the whole book is in german at the moment. We try to get an english version on digital media. This seems to be useful since the law-stuff is drawn to common lines for the EU member states increasingly. Unfortunately, translation consumes a lot of time, that we both don't have very much of.

Moreover we have now collected a part of the stuff on CD-ROM (ISBN 3-609-48420-9). A new version using SGML and scripting on the basis of a relational database of methods will be the next step.

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last changed: Aug 16, 1999. © 1997‚1999 Carsten Schinzer.