XLAT - refinement of cell constants

Refinement of Cell Constants

Progran Description (and instructions on input format) (Questions : e-mail to Bernhard Rupp)
Fetch test reflections

Crystal System
Standard Standard Cell (A):
No. of Standard Lines
Fitting Order for Standard
Drift Correction
Anode used Wavelength :
Film Shrinkage (in mm) Use for DS only
Rejection Limit |th(obs)-th(calc)|
Standard reflections

(1ess than 100)

Make sure you terminate

last line with <return>!

Sample reflections

(less than 1000)

Make sure you terminate

last line with <return>!

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This World Wide Web site conceived and maintained by Bernhard Rupp (br@llnl.gov)
Last revised August 21, 2001 14:18