Project 26: JNanoTube

© Steffen Weber, October 2000

New: Nanotube Modeler

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Rotate: left mouse button drag         Zoom: right mouse button drag


See also nano-tube gallery and nano-cone gallery   NEW: Nanotube Modeler

This applet generates the atom positions for nano-tubes and nano-cones. Its purpose is to give you the xyz-coordinates for use in other structure viewing programs. You may specify the chiral vector for nano-tubes and the disclination angle for cones. A value for ncone>1 will generate stacked cones with dZ as stacking distance. The calculation of the nano-cones might take a while depending on the specified cone height and disclination angle.The stereo-mode is for parallel-view. If you prefer the cross-eye view you may swap the sides of the images with a right mouse button drag, when in stereo mode.

To copy the xyz coordinates into Wordpad or Notepad click "list xyz". A window with a text area opens displaying the list. The text is already selected. Just type Ctrl+c to copy the data to the clipboard. You can then use the paste command of your text editor to paste the data.

The list has four columns , which are:  x  y  z  atom_type (0-C, 1-B, 2-N)

5.872 0     0    1
5.743 1.221 2.13 1
5.872 0     1.42 2
5.743 1.221 3.55 2
5.872 0     4.26 1

Distortion: When you apply xy-distortion (oval tube) or the z-distortion (stretched or shortened tube) not all bonds will be generated, because the distortions change the bond lengths compared to the input bond length.