Identify the space group of a crystal, given the positions of the atoms in a unit cell.


Isotropy Software

Below, default input is given as an example. You may submit this form as given to see the output of this example.

Title (arbitrary)

Accuracy to be used in comparing two numbers. (If left blank, default is 1.0e-6)

Lattice parameters that define a "conventional" unit cell. (alpha is the angle between b and c; beta is the angle between a and c; gamma is the angle between a and b.) Units for a,b,c are arbitrary. Units for alpha,beta,gamma are degrees.
a: b: c:
alpha: beta: gamma:

Vectors which define a unit cell. Each vector is given in terms of the three vectors above which define a conventional unit cell. Units are dimensionless.

Number of atoms in the unit cell:

Type of each atom in the unit cell. (Separate number by commas or spaces.)

Position of each atom in the unit cell. Coordinates are given in terms of the three vectors above which define a conventional unit cell. Units are dimensionless. Enter each atom on a separate line.

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