15 April 2004

Which journals produce most citations?

Click on Analyse Results and then on Journals.

ISI authors

The table shows the ranking, the journal name, the numbers of papers and citations, and the average number of citations per paper. Note that some journals like Nature and Phys.Rev.Letters produce many more citations per paper than others like Physica-B.

Phys.Rev.B and Phys.Rev.Letters have each produced over 12,000 citations of ILL work, much larger than the next best, Physica-B, even though this journal contains more ILL papers than any other.

Indeed physics journals contain by far the most citations, followed by chemistry journals such as J.Chem.Phys. and J.Solid State Chem. Biology journals apart from Nature, such as J.Mol.Biol. come someway behind. This reflects the relative activity of ILL in these different areas.

You can search for a particular journal and sort the resulting table in various ways (the default ranking is the total number of citations).

You can set limits for the minimum number of papers and the minimum number of citations.

You can click the small square in front of any journal to plot these numbers as a function of years. A drop in the number of papers cited can indicate that the author has moved to a position of management :-)

Clicking on a journal name lists all ILL papers cited in that journal.

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