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Running New or Changed Programs

If a new main program is written, or if new versions of CCSL routines are made, the progam must be recompiled and relinked. For VAX-VMS the commands required are:

where CCL is a symbol defined to be the name of the CCSL Object Library (.OLB) file. At ILL an appropriate setting of CCL would normally have been made during login. At RAL it would be something like:
where LIBMK4.OLB is the CCSL object library.

On a UNIX system the required command line is:

 f77 prog.f sub1.f sub2.f ..... subn.f $LIB -o prog
LIB is an environment variable set to point to the CCSL object library archive. It could be set and checked using for example:
sidney 1% setenv LIB ~brown/CCSL/use/lib/libmk4.a
sidney 2% echo  $LIB
sidney 3% 
Graphics Libraries may also need to be included in the link step.

After that the job may be run on VMS by:

and on UNIX by:

P.J. Brown - Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, FRANCE. e-mail