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Printed Output Files: Use of subroutine TESTP

There is a SUBROUTINE TESTP which has been written to facilitate the production of long lists of similar items with column headings at the top of each page. Calls to TESTP have the form:
where LUN is the FORTRAN unit on which the list is being written, LCOUNT is the number of lines printed since the last page throw, NTEST is used to provoke a page throw if there are less than NTEST lines left on the page.

HEADNG is a character variable containing the page heading (see the example above and also that in the BLOCK DATA sub-program below). NLINES is the number of lines in the heading. HEADNG need not be in COMMON if data are only written to the list from the main program. In ABSMSF it can be seen that HEADNG is modified by the program if INC is .TRUE. (non-integer indices) to accomodate the longer FORMAT required to print the indices in this case.

      DATA HEADNG/' (''0Seq No       h    k    l   Omega  2Theta   
     1  Nu       R        dR      Peak cps  Bkgd cps      DVM
     2  Date    Time''/)'/

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P.J. Brown - Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, FRANCE. e-mail