Contents Manual

List of symbolic parameters

set to 201
ALLC total number of permanent constraints held
set to 200
ATFS number of anisotropic temperature factors
set to 50
ATOM number of atomic positions
set to 250
BACK items in background interpolation table
set to 100
assigned in FOCDAT
BSAV number of saved bonds
set to 100
set to 201
BVAR number of basic variables (size of LSQ matrix)
set to 200
CBIT number of "bits" for contouring (see manual)
set to 108
CONC constraint coefficients in permanent list
set to 500
CONT contour levels on maps
set to 50
assigned in CONTUR
CPAR parameters in constraints
set to 500
CPLN number of plane faces of crystal
set to 15
set to 21
CSTC coefficients in constraint equations
set to 200
CSTR number of constraints on LSQ
set to 20
CWRD number of "words" for contouring (see manual)
set to 4
DCRD possible words on D cards
set to 9
DOMS number of allowed domains
set to 24
EXCL number of excluded regions
set to 40
F2PR names of words used in family 2 parameter specifications
set to 44
F2VA family 2 variables
set to 200
set to 7
FAMS number of families of parameters
set to 6
FFT1 first FFT parameter
set to 64
FFT2 second FFT parameter
set to 256
FILE number of file names
set to 15
FNAM maximum length of an expanded file name
set to 100
FORM number of distinct form factors
set to 20
FTAB number of entries in form factor table
set to 40
FUDG number of fudge factors
set to 20
FVPK packed incomplete fix/vary requests
set to 30
FXVA fix/vary requests
set to 200
GCRD possible words on G cards
set to 4
GETM previously saved maps to retrieve
set to 20
GPTS total Gauss points (3 directions, multiplied together)
set to 1000
ICRD total possible words on I cards
set to 20
INVB maximum number of bonds in algebraic expression of constraint
set to 10
LAMB wavelengths
set to 5
LCRD possible words on L cards
set to 22
LNPP number of lines per line-printer page
set to 105
MARK mark number of CCSL
set to 4
MATS dimension of LSQ matrix
set to 10000
MBLK possible blocks of l in multipoles
set to 100
MCRD possible words on M cards
set to 19
set to 100
MGAT number of magnetic atoms
set to 20
MLAB Number of different atoms to be labelled in a map
set to 12
set to 21
MPAR number of magnetic parameter names in F2PARS
set to 17
MPAT number of multipole atoms
set to 20
MPFL number of multipole form factor L values
set to 6
MPFO number of multipole form factors
set to 10
MPOL number of multipoles
set to 200
NGKS number of points in GKS buffer
set to 100
set to 20000
NOBS number of observations for ARRNGE sort
set to 4000
NSFS number of structure factors for GETSFZ sort
set to 10000
OLAP overlapping reflections (size of cyclic store)
set to 70
OMAX overlap (max no. contributing at one point)
set to 200
OMIT number of reflections to omit in Profile Refinement
set to 100
PCOLnumber of colours defined
set to 15
PHAS number of phases in PR multiphase refinement
set to 1
set to 10
PKGN number of peak descriptors (genera)
set to 8
PKSP number of coefficients for each peak descriptor (species)
set to 6
PLAN nunber of atoms constrained to plane
set to 20
PLOT number of plotted maps
set to 20
PRIN number of printed maps
set to 20
PRPR names of words used in profile parameter specifications
set to 14
PSIS number of psi values in helical and 'AMOD' magnetics
set to 4
PSLK slack constraints of Pawley type in PR
set to 300
PSYMnumber of symbols defined
set to 9
PTIC number of points allowed in TIC and PICTIC
set to 33000
PTYPnumber of fill types defined
set to 2
PVAR parameters in LSQ
set to 1000
PWRD words in special Profile PKFN card list
set to 10
RADF radial functions
set to 5
READ number of binary maps to read
set to 20
REFS reflections in Profile Refinement
set to 1000
SANG angles in geometric slack constraints
set to 100
SAVE number of saved maps
set to 20
SCAL scale factors
set to 20
SKTP types of slack constraint expected
set to 4
SLAK slack constraints (of bond length type)
set to 20
SORC number of sources of data in one job
set to 1
set to 48
set to 49
SYMO symmetry operators
set to 48
TANG torsion angles in geometric slack constraints
set to 100
TFAC overall temperature factors
set to 10
TWIN number of twin matrices
set to 12
UPDT Update level to be filled in from header line
set to 0
VERS version number of CCSL Mark
set to 30
VVAR variables in LSQ
set to 250
WGHT constants in weighting scheme
set to 4
WORD words to define LSQ problem
set to 60

Contents Manual

P. Jane Brown e-mail:
Institut Laue Langevin,
Grenoble, FRANCE