Personal info for katty

Name: Katty Leprost

Notes: Hi, I have never been able to read .ps files in Windows. Whenever I need to open this sort of file, I have to open it under LINUX. I have just installed Ghostscript and GSViewer successfully. But when I open a .ps file, the font size is as big as half of the screen. I have tried to configured with the Media option but it was in vain. Could you help me to solve the problem? Thanks in advance. Katty

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8 May 2002  »

Hi, I have never been able to read .ps files in Windows. Whenever I need to open this sort of file, I have to open it under LINUX. I have just installed Ghostscript and GSViewer successfully. But when I open a .ps file, the font size is as big as half of the screen. I have tried to configure with the Media option but it was in vain. Could you help me to solve the problem? Thanks in advance. Katty

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