Personal info for gharte

Name: Gavin Harte


Notes: Just started using Ghostscript

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14 May 2004  »

Printing PDF on Laserjet HPLJ4200tn.

I'm trying to print a pdf on the above mentioned printer by using the line as shown below.

gswin32c -dBATCH -dNOPAUZE -dNoCancel -sOutputFile="%printer%LJ4200_N.GRIJP04" -sDEVICE=mswinpr2 D:\oracle\pdf\test.pdf

I have 2 things to clear up:
1) It seems that the '-sOutputFile'-option isn't used. I think the '-sDEVICE' isn't correct. I just get the default Print-popup no matter which printer I choose. What's wrong here. How can I determine the correct device for my printer.
2) Unless the option 'dNOPAUZE' it keeps asking for a return when printing the document.

Hopefully anyone can help me on this.




Can anyone

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