Instructions Print this form, enter the quantities you want and post with your cheque to the address at the end:

Name(BLOCK CAPITALS ) __________________________________________
Postal Address:__________________________________________
email address:__________________________________________
(for notification of upgrades)

Your ref:                    Order Date:

Price   No.     Amount  Product

Printing Utility

£10  ______  ______  !LazyPrint

Polyhedra Applications

£20  ______  ______  !PolyDraw
£20  ______  ______  !PolyNet
£20  ______  ______  !Stellate
-£5  ______  ______   discount for each subsequent polyhedral application ordered together

Extra data discs

£10  ______  ______  Disc 1- duals of the Johnson Solids (no !Stellate data)
£10  ______  ______  Disc 2- some stellations and space filling polyhedra (no !Stellate data)
£10  ______  ______  Disc 3- the 59 icosahedra for all 3 programs
£10  ______  ______  Disc 4 - the non-convex uniform polyhedra and duals
Special Offer: Booklet, "The 59 icosahedra". (only available with Disc 3)

£15  ______  ______  Disc 3 and the booklet

  £0  ______  ______  site license (no charge, but please tell us).

       Total      ______  Goods Value
                     ______  (if outside UK add P&P: £1 for EU, £2 worldwide)
    Total due ________
