int DPlot_Request(int DocNum, LPSTR item, LPSTR value, DWORD *maxcount);

DocNumDocument index returned by a previous call to DPlot_Plot (1-32) or 0 to request system information from DPlot (see Remarks).
itemItem that you want to request the value of. Must be null-terminated.
valueAddress of buffer for text. Returned text will be null-terminated.
maxcountSpecifies the maximum number of characters to copy to value, including the NULL character. If the text exceeds this limit, value is undefined and an error code is returned.

Return Values
>0 Success. Size, in bytes, of the value character string, not including the terminating null character.
  0 Generic error attempting to communicate with DPlot. This most often indicates that DPlot is currently busy, e.g. a modal dialog box is open.
-2 Could not establish a DDE connection with DPlot. Either DPlot is not open (user might have closed it) or you requested information from a document that does not exist (which might happen, for example, if the user closes the document window).
-3 Length of the requested information is larger than maxcount. In this case the required length is returned in maxcount.
-4 Unrecognized item.

For a full description of the information that can be retrieved from DPlot, see the Transferring DPlot data to other applications section of DPlot's Help file. The most common uses for DPlot_Request are shown here:
For DocNum=0, valid items and typical return values are:
Status"Ready" or "Busy". This gives an indication of whether DPlot may currently accept commands from DPLOTLIB or other DDE sources.
ActiveDocumentIndex of the currently active document window (1-32). Note that this window might have been activated either by DPLOTLIB.DLL or the user.
NumberOfDocumentsCurrent number of open document windows. These windows do not necessarily contain a plot.
NumUsedDocumentsNumber of document windows containing a plot. This information is used, for example, by DPlot_Stop to determine whether DPlot should be shut down.
LastNewCaptionReturns the caption of the last document created.
LastNewDocNumReturns the document index (1-32) of the last document created.

For DocNum > 0:
DocumentTypeReturns the data type for the referenced document. 0=XY plot, 3=3D surface plot, points on a rectangular grid, 4=3D surface plot, randomly-spaced points, 6=1D box-and-whisker plot or dot graph, 7=3D scatter plot.
ListPeaksOutput is identical to that of the List Peak Values menu command for XY plots. Not valid for 1D and 3D plots.
MaxCurvesAllocated number of curves or data sets for the current plot. Meaningless for 3D surface plots.
MaxPointsAllocated number of points per curve or data set for the current plot. Meaningless for 3D surface plots.
NumberOfCurvesNumber of curves in the current XY plot or number of groups in the current 1D plot. Always returns 1 for 3D plots.
NumberOfPointsTab-separated list of the number of points in each curve, surface, or 1D group.
PlotMetricsReturns scaling information for the plot: XlowDisplay, YlowDisplay, XhighDisplay, YhighDisplay, XlowData, YlowData, XhighData, YhighData, where:
XlowDisplay =  Horizontal 0-based pixel index of the left side of the plot.
YlowDisplay =  Vertical 0-based pixel index of the bottom side of the plot (0=top of display).
XhighDisplay =  Horizontal 0-based pixel index of the right side of the plot.
YhighDisplay =  Vertical 0-based pixel index of the top of the plot.
XlowData =  Left side of the plot in X units (data space).
YlowData =  Bottom side of the plot in Y units.
XhighData =  Right side of the plot in X units.
YhighData =  Top side of the plot in Y units.
PlotMetricsExSame as PlotMetrics, with additional parameters that have meaning only for 3D plots: XlowDisplay, YlowDisplay, XhighDisplay, YhighDisplay, XlowData, YlowData, XhighData, YhighData, XScale, YScale, ZScale, Scale, Azimuth, Elevation, where:
XScale =  X Scale factor (set with [ContourScales()] or on Contour Options dialog.
YScale =  Y Scale factor
ZScale =  Z Scale factor
Scale =  Scale factor used to transform horizontal and vertical projections to pixel coordinates.
Azimuth =  View angle around the Z axis, radians.
Elevation =  Elevation angle of the view point, radians.
ZFromXYFor 3D plots, returns the interpolated Z value for the X,Y coordinates set with a call to DPlot_Command with the [SetXY()] command.


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