(last updated: 20th July 1999) Lachlan Cranswick - l.cranswick@dl.ac.uk) For a tutorial in dowloading/using the CRYSFIRE System, check out: http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/tutorial/crys/ To install Crysfire, unzip or self extract the files into a c:\crysfire directory then set c:\crysfire as part of the path in the c:\autoexec.bat or Windows NT system environment. For self extracting, use the following commands: crysf_1.exe c:\ -d crysf_2.exe c:\ -d crysf_3.exe c:\ -d (this will create the c:\crysfire subdirectory and the test data and documentation directory) (a trick to speed this up is to enable DOSKEY then use the up arrow to browse and edit old commands) Please note that CRYSFIRE requires the DOS or Win95/98 sort.exe program that is not includes from Windows NT. If using CRYSFIRE on an NT machine, copy sort.exe from a Win95 or Win98 computer into the c:\crysfire directory. ==================== Please note that for Powder Indexing options, you may like to check out the following web-page: Available Software for Powder Diffraction Indexing Including Reference List http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/solution/indexing/ This presently includes information on all the available Powder Indexing suites and software (binaries and source code): Indexing programs: ito, dicvol, treor, taup, kohl, fjzn, lzon, losh, cmpr, eflech/index, scanix, supercel Suites: CRYS, Winplotr, proszki, PowderX, Powder v 2.00 Lachlan Cranswick - CCP14 Secretary - 17th May 1999 l.cranswick@dl.ac.uk http://www.ccp14.ac.uk ccp14@dl.ac.uk