Keywords in
Structure-Factor Files

Structure-factor files are formatted text files. They consist of a number of sections begining with a comment line and ended with the *EOS (end of section) line. In between these two lines, there are command lines begining with a space followed by a keyword and parameters.
Command in Fortran Format
( 1X , 'CONV' , 4X , I4 ) n
 n = 1: conventional structure model
 n = 0: incommensurate modulated structure model
( 1X , 'TYPE' , 4X , 2I4 ) type , zone
 type = 0: file containing structure factors after image averaging
 type = 1: file containing structure factors after image deconvolution
 type = 2: file containing structure-factor amplitudes measured from a diffraction pattern
 type = 3: file containing simulating dynamical electron diffraction data
 zone = 0: [100] zone, i.e. 0kl reflections
 zone = 1: [010] zone, i.e. h0l reflections
 zone = 2: [001] zone, i.e. hk0 reflections
 zone = -1: 3-dimensional diffraction data
( 1X , 'XRAY' , 4X , I4 ) n
 n = 0: electron diffraction data
 n = 1: X-ray diffraction data
 Omitting this command is equivalent to set n = 0.
( 1X , 'RECI' , 4X , 5F8.2 ) Ax , Ay , Bx , By , Zoom
( 1X , 'RECI' , 4X , 7F8.2 ) Ax , Ay , Bx , By , Qx , Qy , Zoom
The first command is for conventional structures, while the second is for incommensurate structures. These commands are used to inform VEC how to display a the 2- or 3-dimensional diffraction pattern in a window.
 X and Y are respectively the horizontal and vertical axes of the window with the origin is at the upper-left conner.
 A and B are vectors representing two of the three reciprocal axes a*, b* and c*, which define the reciprocal unit cell.
        For [100] projections, A = c* , B = b*.
        For [010] projections, A = a* , B = c* .
        For [001] projections, A = a*, B = b*.
 Ax, Ay: X, Y components (in pixels) of the vector A
 Bx, By: X, Y components (in pixels) of the vector B
 Qx, Qy: X, Y components (in pixels) of the modulation vector q
 Zoom: linear scale factor of the displayed diffraction pattern
( 1X , 'FFT3' , 4X , 4I8 ) Nx , Ny , W , H
Nx: number of grid points along X in Fourier transform
Ny: number of grid points along Y in Fourier transform
W, H: width and height (in pixels) of the resultant image (inverse Fourier transform)
( 1X , 'FFT3' , 4X , 5I8 ) Nx , Ny , Nz , W , H
 Nx: number of grid points along X in Fourier transform 
 Ny: number of grid points along Y in Fourier transform
 Nz: number of grid points along Z in Fourier transform
 W, H: width and height (in pixels) of the resultant image (inverse Fourier transform)
( 1X , 'CELL' , 5X , 6F10.4 ) a , b , c , a , b , g
This defines the crystallographic unit cell with a , b and c in Angstroms and a , b and g in degrees.
( 1X , 'QVEC' , 5X , 3F10.4 ) k1 , k2 , k3
This defines the modulation wave vector q = k1a* + k2b* +  k3c*
( 1X , 'CONT' , 4X , 6 ( A2 , I4 ) ) ( S ( I ) , N ( I ) ) , I = 1 , 6
 S ( I ): element symbol of the Ith kind of atoms
 N ( I ): number of the Ith kind of atoms 
( 1X , 'HREM' , 5X , 3F10.3 ) V , Cs , D
 V: accelerating voltage (in kilovolts)
 Cs: spherical-aberration coefficient (in millimeters)
 D: standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution of defocus due to the chromatic aberration (in Angstroms)
( 1X , 'FOBS' , 5X , A80 ) File
 File: Full path and file name of the file containing observed structure-factor amplitudes
( 1X , 'DECO' , 5X , F10.1 ) Defocus
 Defocus: the defocus value in Angstroms used in deconvolution operation
( 1X , 'SGSY' , 5X , 2I4 ) n , i
 n: symmetry order of the space group - the maximum nember of independent symmetry operations
 i = 0: noncentrosymmetric
 i = 1: centrosymmetric
( 1X , 'SYOP' , 5X , 3 ( 3I2 , F10.7 , 4X ) ) ( ( R ( I , J ) ,  J = 1 , 3 ) ,  T ( I ) ) ,  I = 1 , 3
( 1X , 'SYOP' , 5X , 4 ( 4I2 , F10.7 , 2X ) ) ( ( R ( I , J ) ,  J = 1 , 4 ) ,  T ( I ) ) ,  I = 1 , 4
The first command is for conventional structres while the second is for incommensurate modulated structures. Each command (a single line) defines one symmetry operation, which consists of a rotation R ( I , J ) and the associated translation T ( I ). There will be n SYOP lines for a space group of the order n.
( 1X , 'CALC' , 4X , 3I5 , A1 , 3F10.3 ) h , k , l , Flag , F , phase , Fref
( 1X , 'CALC' , 4X , 4I5 , A1 , 3F10.3 ) h , k , l , m , Flag , F , phase , Fref
The first command is for conventional structures, while the second is for incommensurate structures.
 h , k , l or h , k , l , m: diffraction indices of a reflection
 Flag: the reflection will be void, if its 'Flag' is not a space.
 F: structure-factor amplitude
 phase: structure-factor phase
 Fref: reference value of the structure-factor amplitude
( 1X , 'CALC' , 4X , 3I5 , A1 , F10.3 , 10X, F10.3 ) h , k , l , Flag , F , Fref
( 1X , 'CALC' , 4X , 4I5 , A1 , F10.3 , 10X, F10.3 ) h , k , l , m , Flag , F , Fref
The first command is for conventional structures, while the second is for incommensurate structures.
 h , k , l or h , k , l , m: diffraction indices of a reflection
 Flag: the reflection will be void, if its 'Flag' is not a space.
 F: structure-factor amplitude
 phase: structure-factor phase
 Fref: reference value of the structure-factor amplitude