From Tue Jun 7 15:31:48 1994 Path: uniol!!zrz.TU-Berlin.DE!!!!!gatech!!caen!!jmayer From: (Jonathan Mayer) Newsgroups: Subject: POVRAY+PERL=ANIMATION Date: 6 Jun 1994 04:42:52 GMT Organization: University of Michigan Engineering, Ann Arbor Lines: 660 Distribution: world Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Hey folks! I've got some PERL scripts here that I've developed to help me do animation using POV-Ray. My scripts (working together) perform the following: - spawns off rendering processes to any number of other processors - "collates" the generated images back onto your local machine. - automatically creates an MPEG or a directory of GIFs, along with a script that runs the animation invoking imagemagick's "animate." - pops up a nifty little "wall of xloads" showing you load on the machines running your rendering processes. :) CAVEATS and KNOWN BUGS: (USE AT YER OWN RISK) - if you ain't using Unix, this is all useless to you. (go install Linux or something, eh?) - the part of my script that's supposed to detect if the remote process failed to render a frame correctly (due to either internal or external factors) just DOESN'T WORK. Make dang sure your scene files are BULLETPROOF before you run, or else bad things happen. Also try to run your processes on machines where users aren't like to kill 'em. - I *really* recommend making a subdir in your /tmp directory as a destination "imagedir". This is *especially* true if you're using AFS and have to bollux about with kerberos tokens. - Some knowledge of PERL might be necessary to customize the bugger for your environment. - requires lots of other tools, including: mpeg_encode the PBMPLUS package the ImageMagick "animate" tool POV-Ray ( or Rayshade, if you feel like doing the kustomizing..) - I'm still developing this thing as time allows. I'm only posting it in it's current sloppy form because I find it VERY useful. E-mail me if you got problems or if you don't got problems, but NO PROMISES, eh? - IMPORTANT!!! REMEMBER TO FIX THE PATHNAMES IN "CONFIG.INC," and also fix the pathnames to find CONFIG.INC in ALL the other scripts!!!!!!! Remember to fix the #! line to contain a path to *your* perl instead of the current "/usr/um/bin/perl", and also remember to make these scripts executable (chmod +x) else the spawner'll choke. - Sorry, no docs yet (don't need 'em). Once this evolves to a more stable point, maybe I'll release it as a "package." If you make any useful modifications, please send me e-mail and I'll try to consolidate 'em into a truly useful tool. The scripts are: CONFIG.INC - configuration file used by the other scripts. spawner - the process spawning "engine." pickmach - a script to generate a list of "good" remote machines (currently uses NETUSE package ... customize for your site) rendgifs - a wrapper around "spawner" that generates your animation as a dir full of .GIFs (1 GIF per frame). rendmpeg - a wrapper around "spawner" that compiles the rendered frames into an mpeg using mpeg_encode. povframe - a wrapper around "POVray" that adds flexibility to the package .. invoked for each frame by the "rend..." scripts. pov - a wrapper around "POVray" similar to povframe ... good for testing your scene file before doing a rendmpeg. CONFIG.INC ---------------------------------------------------- >8 # Configuration file for toolkit written in PERL by # Jonathan Mayer, 1994. # PovRay files: $POVHOME = '/usr/contrib/povray'; $POVBIN = "$POVHOME/bin"; $POVINC = "$POVHOME/include"; $povray = "$POVBIN/povray"; # Toolkit Scripts used by other scripts: $SCRHOME = "$POVHOME/scripts"; $spawner = "$SCRHOME/spawner"; $povframe = "$SCRHOME/povframe"; $pickmach = "$SCRHOME/pickmach"; # PBMPLUS tools: $PBMHOME = '/usr/um/pbmplus'; $PBMBIN = "$PBMHOME/bin"; $ppmquant = "$PBMBIN/ppmquant"; $ppmtogif = "$PBMBIN/ppmtogif"; $tgatoppm = "$PBMBIN/tgatoppm"; # IMAGEMAGICK tools: $IMHOME = '/usr/contrib/imagemagick'; $IMBIN = "$IMHOME/bin"; $animate = "$IMBIN/animate"; # MPEG_ENCODE tools: $MPEGHOME = '/usr/contrib/povray/mpeg'; $mpeg_encode = "$MPEGHOME/bin/mpeg_encode"; # MVAS utilitites: $MVASHOME = '/usr/viz'; $MVASBIN = "$MVASHOME/bin"; $mvasrecord = "$MVASBIN/mvasrecord"; # NETUSE utilities: $hostinfo = '/usr/caen/bin/hostinfo'; $getmach = '/usr/caen/bin/getmach'; # Unix utilities: $rm = "/bin/rm"; $ls = "/bin/ls"; $rsh = "/usr/ucb/rsh"; $xload = "/usr/openwin/bin/xload"; $cat = "/bin/cat"; $xv = "/usr/um/bin/xv"; # END OF FILE. end of CONFIG.INC --------------------------------------------- >8 spawner ------------------------------------------------------- >8 #! /usr/um/bin/perl require '/afs/'; ################### USER CONFIGURABLE STUFF ########################### @rshOptions = ("-n"); $USE_HOSTINFO = 1; # true or false (1 or 0) @MachineList = ( "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ); @ProcessList = <>; ###################################################################### $version = "spawner v1.0"; $me = "by Jonathan Mayer, 1994."; $email = ""; ($port) = @ARGV; if (!$port) { # pick a session port at random .. is this safe? nope. ;) srand (time^$$); $port = 3000+int(rand(1000)); } print "$version $me email: $email\n"; print "using port $port for all communications.\n\n"; undef %BusyList; $launched = 0; $failed = 0; $succeeded = 0; chop ($hostname = `/bin/hostname`); @xloadprocs = (); $xloadpos = 0; sub FORKXLOAD { local ($mach) = @_; if (($pid = fork()) == 0) { # CHILD setpgrp (0, getppid()); # facilitate later infanticide system ( $rsh, @rshOptions, $mach , " xload " . "-display $hostname:0.0 " . "-bg maroon -fg yellow " . "-geometry 68x68+0-$xloadpos " ); sleep; exit(1); } else { push (@xloadprocs, $pid); $xloadpos += 84; } } if ($USE_HOSTINFO) { # don't use built-in host list... @MachineList = (); # delete old machine list open (HINFO, "$pickmach |"); while () { chop ($_); next if ($_ eq ""); if (/^(\w+)\./) { push (@MachineList, ($1)); ### print STDERR "$1\n"; } } } # pop up wall of xloads... foreach $mach (@MachineList) { &FORKXLOAD ($mach); } sub SIGNAL { local ($msg, $proc, $mach) = @_; local($AF_INET) = 2; local($SOCK_STREAM) = 1; local($sockaddr) = 'S n a4 x8'; local ($hostname, $them); chop ($hostname = `hostname`); local($name, $aliases, $proto, $len, $thisaddr); ### local (S); ($name, $aliases, $proto) = getprotobyname('tcp'); ($name, $aliases, $proto) = getservbyname($port, 'tcp') unless port =~ /^\d+$/;; ($name,$aliases,$type,$len,$thisaddr) = gethostbyname($hostname); ($name,$aliases,$type,$len,$thataddr) = gethostbyname($them); local($this) = pack($sockaddr, $AF_INET, 0, $thisaddr); local($that) = pack($sockaddr, $AF_INET, $port, $thataddr); socket (S, $AF_INET, $SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || die "socket: $!\n"; bind (S, $this) || die "bind: $!\n"; connect (S, $that) || die "connect: $!\n"; select (S); $| = 1; select (STDOUT); print S "$msg\n$proc\n$mach\n"; close (S); } sub RUN { local ($pnum); local ($proc, $mach) = @_; if ($pnum = fork()) { # Papa Process $BusyList{$mach} = $proc; $launched++; print STDERR ($mach, ": STARTING ", substr ($proc, -10), ". (proc=$pnum)\n"); } else { # Child Process system ("$rsh -n $mach $proc"); local($v) = $?; if ($v) { warn ("\$\v = $v\n"); &SIGNAL ("fail", $proc, $mach); } else { &SIGNAL ("ok", $proc, $mach); } exit (0); } return 0; } sub SPAWN { local ($cnt) = 0; # while both idle machines and unfinished processes exist... while ((@ProcessList) && (@MachineList)) { chop($nextProcess = pop (@ProcessList)); $nextMachine = pop (@MachineList); &RUN ($nextProcess, $nextMachine); $cnt++; } return $cnt; } # set up sockets... $AF_INET = 2; $SOCK_STREAM = 1; $sockaddr = 'S n a4 x8'; ($name, $aliases, $proto) = getprotobyname ('tcp'); if ($port !~ /^\d+$/) { ($name, $aliases, $port) = getservbyport ($port, 'tcp'); } $this = pack($sockaddr, $AF_INET, $port, "\0\0\0\0"); select (NS); $| = 1; select (STDOUT); socket (S, $AF_INET, $SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || die "socket: $!\n"; bind (S,$this) || die "bind: $!\n"; listen (S,5) || die "connect: $!\n"; select (S); $|=1; select (STDOUT); while (1) { &SPAWN; # spawn 'em if ya got 'em... @busy = keys(%BusyList); last if ($#busy < 0); ($addr = accept (NS,S)) || die "accept: $!"; chop ($msg = ); chop ($proc = ); chop ($mach = ); # process messages... if ($msg eq "ok") { print STDERR ($mach, ": FINISHED ", substr($proc, -10), " :)\n"); $succeeded++; delete $BusyList{$mach}; push (@MachineList, $mach); @busy = keys (%BusyList); if ($#busy < 5) { ###warn ("MACHINES LEFT: ", @busy, "\n"); } } elsif ($msg eq "fail") { print STDERR ("\n", $mach, ": ******* FAILED ******* ...removing... :( \n\n"); $failed++; delete $BusyList{$mach}; push (@ProcessList, $proc); } else { warn ("CONFUSED: received unknown signal \"$msg\"!\n"); } close (NS); } print "\n\nDone.\n"; print " processes launched: $launched\n"; print " processes completed: $succeeded\n"; print " processes failed: $failed\n"; print "\n"; kill -15, $$; exit; ### THE END ### end of spawner ------------------------------------------------ >8 rendgifs ------------------------------------------------------ >8 #! /usr/um/bin/perl require '/afs/'; $HELPPAGE = < ex: rendgifs myfile.pov 0 59 1 /tmp/myimages public license, Jonathan Mayer, 1994. queries: HELPPAGE # ------- configurables ------------ $tracer = $povframe; $tempdir = "/tmp"; # ---------------------------------- srand (time^$$); $r = int(rand(9999)); $tempfile = "$tempdir/tmp$r"; if ($#ARGV != 4) { print STDERR $HELPPAGE; exit(1); } print "render v.1.0 -\n"; ($src, $start, $stop, $incr, $imgdir, $mpegfile) = @ARGV; print "\n"; chop ($hostname = `/bin/hostname`); print "building process list...\n"; open (PLIST, ">$tempfile") || die "Could open $tempfile: $!\n"; for ($clock = $start; $clock <= $stop; $clock+=$incr) { $l = "$tracer $src $clock $hostname $imgdir/frame$clock.gif\n"; # print $l; print PLIST $l; } close (PLIST); system "$spawner < $tempfile"; $ok = 1; @list = (); for ($clock = $start; $clock <= $stop; $clock+=$incr) { if (-e "$imgdir/frame$clock.gif") {} else { print "MISSING: $imgdir/frame$clock.gif\n"; $ok = 0; } push (@list, "$imgdir/frame$clock.gif"); } open (RUNFILE, ">$imgdir/run") || die ("Couldn't create file $imgdir/run"); print RUNFILE "\#! /usr/um/bin/perl\n"; print RUNFILE "\n"; print RUNFILE "\$animate = '$animate';\n"; print RUNFILE "@options = ('-colormap', 'Private');\n"; print RUNFILE '@list = (',"\n"; foreach $f (@list) { print RUNFILE "\t\'$f\',\n"; } print RUNFILE ");\n\n"; print RUNFILE 'exec ($animate, @options, @list);',"\n\n"; close (RUNFILE); chmod 0755, "$imgdir/run"; exit(0); # don't build MPEG... end of rendgifs ----------------------------------------------- >8 rendmpeg ------------------------------------------------------ >8 #! /usr/um/bin/perl require '/afs/'; $HELPPAGE = < public license, Jonathan Mayer, 1994. queries: HELPPAGE # ------- configurables ------------ $tracer = $povframe; $tempdir = "/tmp"; # ---------------------------------- srand (time^$$); $r = int(rand(9999)); $tempfile = "$tempdir/tmp$r"; if ($#ARGV != 5) { print STDERR $HELPPAGE; exit(1); } print "render v.1.0 -\n"; ($src, $start, $stop, $incr, $imgdir, $mpegfile) = @ARGV; print "\n"; if (!-e $mpeg_encode) { print STDERR "ERROR: mpeg_encode binary not found.\n"; print STDERR "Jonathan says: \"Maybe it hasn't been compiled\n"; print STDERR " for this platform yet? Try a SUN.\"\n"; print STDERR "Aborted.\n"; exit(1); } chop ($hostname = `/bin/hostname`); print "building process list...\n"; open (PLIST, ">$tempfile") || die "Could open $tempfile: $!\n"; for ($clock = $start; $clock <= $stop; $clock+=$incr) { $l = "$tracer $src $clock $hostname $imgdir/frame$clock.ppm\n"; # print $l; print PLIST $l; } close (PLIST); system "$spawner < $tempfile"; $ok = 1; for ($clock = $start; $clock <= $stop; $clock+=$incr) { if (-e "$imgdir/frame$clock.ppm") {} else { print "MISSING: $imgdir/frame$clock.ppm\n"; $ok = 0; } } if (!$ok) { print "ERROR: missing frames! halting...\n"; exit(1); } # write the mpeg_encode parameter file... open (PARAM, ">$tempfile"); print PARAM "\# mpeg_encode parameter file generated at ", time, "\n"; print PARAM "\n"; print PARAM "PATTERN IBBPBBPBBPBBPBB\n"; print PARAM "OUTPUT $mpegfile\n"; print PARAM "BASE_FILE_FORMAT PPM\n"; print PARAM "INPUT_CONVERT *\n"; print PARAM "\n"; print PARAM "GOP_SIZE 30\n"; print PARAM "SLICES_PER_FRAME 1\n"; print PARAM "\n"; print PARAM "INPUT_DIR $imgdir\n"; print PARAM "\n"; print PARAM "INPUT\n"; print PARAM "frame*.ppm [$start-$stop+$incr]\n"; print PARAM "END_INPUT\n"; print PARAM "\n"; print PARAM "# motion search and qscale params...\n"; print PARAM "PIXEL HALF\n"; print PARAM "RANGE 10\n"; print PARAM "PSEARCH_ALG LOGARITHMIC\n"; print PARAM "BSEARCH_ALG CROSS2\n"; print PARAM "IQSCALE 8\n"; print PARAM "PQSCALE 10\n"; print PARAM "BQSCALE 25\n"; print PARAM "REFERENCE_FRAME ORIGINAL\n"; close (PARAM); print "\n\nbuilding MPEG:\n\n"; system ("$mpeg_encode $tempfile"); exit(1); end of rendmpeg ----------------------------------------------- >8 povframe ------------------------------------------------------ >8 #! /usr/um/bin/perl require '/afs/'; if ($#ARGV != 3) { die ("Incorrect number of parameters, eh?"); } ($src, $clock, $client, $outfile) = @ARGV; if (!$client) { $client = 'ttl'; } if (!$outfile) { $outfile = 'frame.gif'; } $home = $ENV{'HOME'}; $user = $ENV{'USER'}; $tracer = $povray; @options = ( "+A", "+H240", "+W320", #"+H480", "+W640", "+FT", "+L$POVINC", "+L$home", "-P", "-V", ); $tempdir = "/tmp"; $tempfile = "$tempdir/temp.$user.tga"; $outputpipe = "$tgatoppm | " . "$ppmquant 256 2> /dev/null | " . "$ppmtogif 2> /dev/null | " . "$rsh $client \"cat > $outfile\" 2> /tmp/session.$user "; open (TRACER, "$tracer +I$src +O$tempfile +K$clock @options 2> /tmp/session.$user |"); $ok = 0; while () { #print "--> $_"; if (/Time For Trace:\s+(\d+) hours\s+(\d+) minutes/) { $ok = 1; print "$src: frame=$clock, t=$1:$2.\n"; } } if (!$ok) { warn ("tracer failed"); exit(-1); #ERROR CODE! } system ("/bin/cat $tempfile | $outputpipe"); if ($?) { die ("output pipe failed"); } print "Done.\n"; end of povframe ----------------------------------------------- >8 pov ----------------------------------------------------------- >8 #! /usr/um/bin/perl # A very simple wrapper around POV-Ray by # picks some "ideal" command-line options for the user. require '/afs/'; ($src, $out) = @ARGV; if (!$out) { $out = "OUT.GIF"; } if (!$src) { print STDERR "Syntax: POV []\n"; exit(1); } @options = ( "+A", "+H240", "+W320", #"+H480", "+W640", "+FT", "+L$POVINC", "+L.", "-P", "-V", ); $tempdir = "/tmp"; $tempfile = "$tempdir/temp.tga"; $outputpipe = "$tgatoppm | " . "$ppmquant 256 2> /dev/null | " . "$ppmtogif 2> /dev/null > " . "$out"; open (TRACER, "$povray +I$src +O$tempfile @options 2> /tmp/session.log |"); $ok = 0; while () { #print "--> $_"; if (/Time For Trace:\s+(\d+) hours\s+(\d+) minutes/) { $ok = 1; print "$src: t=$1:$2.\n"; } } if (!$ok) { warn ("tracer failed"); system ("cat /tmp/session.log"); exit(1); #ERROR CODE! } system ("$cat $tempfile | $outputpipe"); if ($?) { die ("output pipe failed"); } print "Done.\n"; end of pov ---------------------------------------------------- >8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "On the other hand, the road to hell is paved with melting snowballs." -L.Wall Jonathan Mayer - -