This directory contains Photoshop compatible plug-ins that can be used with NIH Image. Image expects plug-ins to be located in a folder named "Plug-ins" in either the same folder as Image or in the System Folder. Acquisition plug-ins appear in the Acquire sub-menu, export plug-ins appear in the Export sub-menu, and filter plug-ins appear in the PlugIn Filters sub-menu. [ACRNema.hqx] ACR Nema (v1.0) is an acquistion plug-in module for reading ACR Nema files. It was written by Frank Owen. [Alignment_Plugins.hqx] Contains a plugin that can center an image based on a user-defined density slice, and one that can align one image to another, again based on density slices. [Contours.hqx] Converts a grey scale image to iso-brightness contour lines. Allows the user to select the number of contour lines (from 1 to 9) which are equally spaced in brightness from 0 to 255. [DevelopersKit.cpt.hqx] Version 4 of Adobe's developers kit. It includes Think C 5.0 source code for example acquisition, export, and filter plug-ins. [Expression30b.cpt.hqx] Filter plug-in that creates images that change over time according to a mathematical formula. Can be driven by a macro in the "Animation" macro file. [LG-3PlugIn.cpt.hqx] Acquisition plug-in for the Scion LG-3 frame grabber. Not needed with NIH Image since Image has built-in support for the LG-3. Includes Think C source code. [LYNXX_Plug-In.cpt.hqx] Acquisition plug-in to import 12-bit files created by a Lynxx CCD camera. Includes complete Think C 5.04 source. [Marr-Hildreth14.hqx] V1.4 of the Marhil edge detection filter. Includes Think C source code. [MegaGrabberPlugIn.hqx] V1.1 of the Perceptics MegaGrabber acquisition plug-in. Includes the PixelTools 5.0 Driver [Odyssey_Lightbox_Converter.hqx] This is a demo version of Odyssey Lightbox Converter, which imports so called "Lightboxes" from Picker Odyssey Workstations. [Pascal_Example.hqx] Dan's Example Plug-In. Think Pascal 4.0 source code for the example acquisition plug-in included with Adobe's developers kit. [PhotoFits.hqx] Photo Fits is a plug-in which allows import of FITS files. It can read byte, integer, longint, real, and double fits files. It can not read FITS files with extensions nor can it read 1D files. [PixelBufferPlugIn.hqx] V1.1 of the Perceptics PixelBuffer-PixelPipeline acquisition plug-in. Includes the PixelTools 5.0 Driver [PixelDCIPlugIns.hqx] Perceptics PixelDCI acquisition plug-ins for Kodak MegaPlus 1.4, MegaPlus 1.6, MegaPlus 4.2, and MegaPlus 1.4HS cameras. [PixelHR24PlugIn.hqx] Perceptics PixelHR-24 acquisition plug-in. [PixelSquarer.hqx] Filter that corrects CCD camera pixel aspect ratios. [Plug-in_Digitizer11.hqx] V1.1 of Cyrus Daboo's "Plug-in Digitizer" for capturing images using the the AV Mac or other Quicktime compatible digitizers. V1.1 has fewer features than V1.2.1 but seems to be more reliable. [Plug-in_Digitizer124.hqx] V1.2.4 of Cyrus Daboo's "Plug-in Digitizer" for capturing images using the the AV Mac or other Quicktime compatible digitizers. [PPC_Example.hqx] This is the "Dissolve" example from the Adobe developer's kit converted, using Metrowerks C, to run native on PowerPC Macs. [QuickImage24.hqx] V1.6 of the MassMicro QuickImage24 frame grabber plug-in. Includes V2.5 of the QuickImage Init. [RankFilters.hqx] Filters that perform min, max, median, etc. rank operations on either 3x3 and 5x5 neighborhoods. Includes MPW Pascal source. [RasterOps_Capture152.hqx] V1.52 of the RasterOps Video Capture plug-in. Supports all RasterOps frame grabbers, including the 364 and 24STV. Includes V1.4 of the RasterOps Drivers Init. [Ster_DropIns.hqx] Functionally identical drop-ins for Photoshop, NIH-Image and PrismView that draw various grids onto images, and then count marks placed on them by the user. These counts are then useful for a variety of stereological calculations. Includes a text file with detailed step-by-step instructions. [TV-3PlugIn.hqx] Export plug-in for the Scion TV-3 that outputs images to peripherals such as video printers, video recorders, and external monitors. [VideoSpigot_vdig.hqx] VDIG (QuickTime Video Digitizer component) V1.0 needed to use the VideoSpigot frame grabber with the "Plug-in Digitizer". [Voyager_PDS12.cpt.hqx] Acquisition plug-in for Voyager PDS (Planetary Data System) files. [cmulti-filter.cpt.hqx] Demo optical effects filter from Andromeda Software.